Women in Forestry Data Bank

Below is a link to the final report of the research topic entitled. “Analysis of the Limits of Opportunities for Human Capital Development in Forestry” carried out at the Faculty of Forestry of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences carried out on behalf of the Directorate General of State Forests in 2011-2013 (study using the Gender INDEX methodology). The report is in Polish

Number of women and men in the State Forests as of 31.12.2021:

total in the Forest Service
women 7466 2837
men 18345 14888
total 25811 17725
% women 29% 16%

By education:

higher forest forest medium higher other medium other
women 2689 429 2925 716
men 9510 5025 1184 526
total 12199 5454 4109 1242
% women 22% 8% 71% 58%

By job title:

subordinate forester referent specialist
women 597 221 505 2061
men 4838 5377 211 1393
total 5435 5598 716 3454
% women 11% 4% 71% 60%

Management positions:

forester alternate Supervision Engineer chief accountant secretary warden in RDLP RDLP director General Manager Sum
women 9 37 45 366 156 42 0 0 133
men 432 421 663 103 267 150 17 1 1684
total 441 458 708 469 423 192 17 1 1817
% women 2% 8% 6% 78% 37% 22% 0% 7%

Changes in the number of women in 2009-2021:

total in the Forest Service forester alternate secretary surveillance engineer chief accountant forester subordinate
2009 6067 2522 9 40 55
2019 7438 2590 10 37 53 362 189 528
2020 7329 2718 10 33 52 361 208 559
2021 7466 2837 9 37 156 45 366 221 597